Thursday, December 22, 2011

Medusa & Merriwhether

One of my friends writes a blog with one of her friends. Last week, my one of my friends (Merriwhether) posted a little something for my birthday. Because I'm mega-conceited, I'm reposting here. One day I hope to be as good of a friend as she is and write a tribute to her:

 (originally posted on Medusa & Merriwhether


When I travel back to good old Chicago I usually get lost. My go to is always Mr. Hertzberg. He's got Chicago's floor plan burned into his brain along with the bus and train routes. It is simply fantastic. I am currently learning Saint Paul so that I can simply direct a stranger at the tip of a hat. This is one of Andrew's many strange knowings but at the moment I cannot think of anymore other than him thinking he isn't a hipster but in fact he truly is.

Me reacting to Andrew getting out his iphone: "oooo such a hipster, where is your chrome bag?!"
Andrew: "At home with my fixed."

This may or may not have happened while I was emptying the contents of my chrome bag. Tehehe

Hahaha, Happy Birthday Asshole

Friday, December 16, 2011

Michel Gondry Swedes Taxi Driver

No embed. Follow link. Smile.