Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Wrote this one a couple months ago. Apparently I find value in writing short prose pieces. Meaning in the temporary and fractured thoughts and all that. So it goes:


Life is like vinyl records. You are born already with so few caring about your existence. But it is relevant to the few who matter. As life goes on, there are more pops and hisses in your life, cracks and chips, but there is still a group of dedicated people to you, who want to maintain your longevity. Despite all the cracks, you still have your groove. The majority of the world doesn’t care about you, but it is because they are impatient; they are not clever enough to see your side B. To be sure, how well you perform depends on the care of others. Sometimes you get stacked improperly, with the weight of other records above you. It wasn’t your fault but it is your fate. If the needle isn’t properly maintained, you will wear out sooner than you should have. Change your needles, change your minds. Shop local and buy records.

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